Pet owners know that dog hair and cat hair can be a major problem in the home. Not only does pet hair look unattractive on furniture and on the floor, but it can also be a big allergy problem in the home.
These are the best carpet sweepers for pet hair. These lightweight floor sweepers are easier to use than a vacuum, so you might be encouraged to use them more often and remove the allergens from your home.

What Are Carpet Sweepers?
Carpet sweepers are more powerful than a broom, but not as powerful as a vacuum. They are pushed across the floor or carpet. The rolling brush inside picks up debris, such as pet hair, without any suction from a traditional vacuum.
These small appliances can be used on carpeting, area rugs, hardwood floors, laminate and tile floors.
There are two types of carpet sweepers to choose from: manual and electric.
For manual sweepers, you will need to push and pull the sweeper across the floor. Electric sweepers don’t require as much effort to push and pull, but they are limited to the length of the cord or how long the battery lasts.
Benefits of Carpet Sweepers vs. Vacuums
There’s no doubt about it. An electric vacuum is more powerful and will remove more dirt and dust than a floor sweeper. However, carpet sweepers are still a smart item to have in your home.
Carpet sweepers are less expensive. In fact, many of them are under $50. They are a budget-friendly option for deeper cleaning than just a broom. If you can’t afford a vacuum, then a carpet sweeper is a wise investment.
These types of sweepers take up less room, too. If you have a small space or tiny home, these sweepers can easily be tucked into a corner of a closet or put behind a door. In fact, they can even hang on a wall with these broom grippers. Electric vacuums are too big to easily store in small spaces.
Using a carpet sweeper in between vacuums keeps things tidy without the need for deep cleaning.
Without an electric motor, these sweepers make less noise. This is great if you are trying to clean when a baby or child is napping. They are also perfect if your pets are afraid of a vacuum cleaner, which is very common.
If you live off-grid with limited electricity, then these manual sweepers are ideal for you.
Stick sweepers are more lightweight compared to vacuum cleaners. This is very important if you have to carry the sweeper around the home or up stairs.
Carpet sweepers can easily get underneath furniture and in smaller spaces compared to most vacuums.
Manual Carpet Sweeper for Pet Hair
Bissell Natural Sweep Dual Brush
The Bissell Natural Sweep Dual Brush is the manual carpet sweeper that started it all. The classic design was created 140 years ago by Melville and Anna Bissell, who introduced one of the first floor sweepers.
Two rows of brushes are used, as well as small brushes on the corners. The cleaning radius is a bit smaller than some other sweepers at 9.5 inches. However, it has more brushes than other sweepers.
No PVC is used.
Fuller Brush (9 Colors)
The Fuller Brush is one of the best floor sweepers to use. But I really l love them because they come in so many fun colors!
Fuller Brush Company was founded in 1906 and has been making effective sweepers for over a century.
This electrostatic stick cleaner has a metal housing, not plastic. With a dual dust bin, all you need to do is press on the ends of the bin and the pet hair, dirt and debris will fall out into a trash can or outdoors.
The price tag on a Fuller Brush is a bit more than other sweepers.
(A cheaper alternative for fun-colored sweepers are these Eyliden Carpet Sweepers. I bought mine for under $30.)
Bissell Refresh
Another carpet sweeper that can add style to your cleaning routing, the Bissell Refresh comes in two retro-style color schemes and patterns.
Rubber Floor Brush
This rubber bristle floor brush isn’t the same type of floor sweeper as others on this list. However, it still deserves a place on the list of best pet hair removers.
Made of many rubber bristles, this floor brush is dragged across a floor to catch large debris. It can be used on either carpet or hardwood flooring. It is especially useful for pet hair.
This type of sweeper is used to gather the hair and debris in a pile. It will not pick it up and gather it in a dust bin to be emptied later.
The bristles can easily be washed under water, which means you don’t need a comb to remove pet hair that gets stuck in a rotating brush.
The telescoping handles means that it is super easy to store. You can also adjust the height depending on your needs.
This brush is less expensive than other floor sweepers. An average price is around $20.
Squeegee Floor Cleaner
Another great pet-hair remover is this multi-purpose 5-in-1 squeegee carpet sweeper.
The large squeegee design looks like an oversized window cleaner. And, in fact, the sweeper can be used to clean windows. It can be used in a variety of ways to clean around your home.
One of the best features, though, is that it will easily remove pet hair from flooring or upholstery by dragging the squeegee over the surface. It will create a pile of pet hair that you can then dispose of.
The price point on this type of floor cleaner is really inexpensive. You can get this sweeper for around $20.
Electric and Battery Operated Floor Sweepers
Perfect Sweep Turbo
If you would like a little bit of assistance while cleaning the floors, the Bissell Perfect Sweep Turbo battery-operated sweeper is for you. The cordless sweeper uses a battery that lasts up to 60 minutes.
Though this is an electric sweeper, the noise is very minimal on this device.
The price point will be slightly higher than the entry level manual carpet sweepers, but only by a few dollars.